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Hengyuan company held the first welder skill competition

Release time:2017-10-31     Time to browse
In the afternoon of September 15, the first welder skill competition of the company went on smoothly in the machine workshop. The five contestants are Zhang Guofeng, Wu Xuewu, Wang Yong, Wu Yunfeng and Wu Chengzhi. They went all out in the game, each doing his best,

  In the afternoon of September 15, the first welder skill competition of the company went on smoothly in the machine workshop. The five contestants are Zhang Guofeng, Wu Xuewu, Wang Yong, Wu Yunfeng and Wu Chengzhi. They went all out in the game, each doing his best,


  Concentrate on treatment, professional operation, focus on quality, through nearly 1 hour to complete the steam cutting and welding two competitions, the submission of their satisfactory works. According to the professional evaluation of Deputy manager Zhang Xinli and Senior engineer Wu Xiaogang, it was agreed that all the 5 contestants had played their respective professional level and completed the competition projects excellently, with good work quality and no weld defects. They were praised and encouraged.

  Through this competition, the department has formed a good atmosphere of mutual consultation, mutual learning and common progress. The company also recommends that all departments learn from the experience of this competition and conduct professional competitions in all departments and positions.


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