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Congratulations on the passing of the industry standard of allyl glycidyl ether for Industrial use formulated by our company

Release time:2017-10-31     Time to browse

  On September 21-23, 2017, the national chemical standardization technology committee in jiaxing, zhejiang province organic chapters and 2017 standard review meeting, anhui new far technology co., LTD. As a first draft unit, set by the "industrial with allyl glycidyl ether" industry standard, passed the organic chapter 1 year ahead of the expert's first trial, before the big meeting technical manager lee and quality security manager Lu Hang reporting standard specification, standard of text and test report, and answer the questions put forward by the committee of experts. Zhou Zi, deputy general manager of the company, introduced the market situation of the product and the process of setting standards. After voting by all members, the chemical industry standard of allyl glycidyl ether for Industrial use formulated by our company was unanimously approved.

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