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Anhui Hengyuan (Group) Co., LTD. 2014 Year-end Summary conference and collection of 2015 Spring Festival Fellowship

Release time:2015-04-18     Time to browse

  On February 17, 2015, anhui Hengyuan (Group) Co., Ltd. leaders and the majority of employees gathered for the 2014 year-end summary conference and 2015 New Year Party.

  Vice Chairman Hong Hua presided over the summary meeting. At first, Chairman Cheng Zhenshuo made the 2014 annual summary and reported the gratifying achievements made in 2014. Then is each branch and each department responsible person makes the position statement to everybody; Finally, the award ceremony was held for all the advanced workers and outstanding employees who were selected in 2014. With a smile on their faces, all the winning employees walked onto the stage one by one and got the certificates of honor and bonuses from the senior executives, which made all the employees envious. Then held by the company staff self - written self - directed self - performance of the fraternity. A variety of fashion programs such as songs, dances and catwalks are wonderful. What is worth mentioning is the lottery among the programs. This year, 162 awards were set up, with a winning rate of more than 40%, including the Iphone 6 and Iphone 5S.


  At this point, Anhui Hengyuan (Group) Co., LTD. 2014 Year-end summary conference and 2015 Spring Festival Fellowship ended successfully, let's meet again next year.

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